Trick or Treat? How about a treat of DIY tricks for taking great fall family photos!
No time for a photo session? Read further for tips on how to take your own beautiful fall family photos!

Not everyone can afford a professional photographer for their fall family photos. Or maybe you just don't have time in your busy schedule. I get it! So I want to equip you with some basic tricks of the trade that will help YOU capture a picture of your family that you can be proud of and enjoy for years to come.
Tip #1 - Clouds are best for your fall family photos!
Don't worry about a sunny day - OVERCAST is better! Many people look for a beautiful clear day to take their family photos in the fall but direct sun can make your photos look harsh. The bright sun can cause deep shadows on the face, under the eyes and block others around you when you are in close proximity to each other. Take your pics on a cloudy day for even light distribution and no yucky shadows.

Tip #2 - Dress for success for your fall family photos!
Don't just wear your 'Sunday Best' - COORDINATE! Though it's great to wear nicer clothing, it is MORE important that those who are in the photo match with each other. It's not about everyone wearing the same thing, but having tones and colours that go well together. Adding some texture with sweaters and layers also looks great. Check out my Pinterest board for inspiration: How to Dress for a Fall Photoshoot
"Treat what everyone is wearing as though it is one outfit!" – Rochelle Elise

Tip #3 - Tripod or Friend?
Though you can set up your shots with a tripod and capture shots on the go utilizing your timer, a better option is to BRING A FRIEND! A friend can capture both posed and spontaneous moments when you and your family are interacting. A mix of candid and posed photos are most eaily captured by somone outside your group. Who knows? Maybe you can make a trade and be that friend for someone else who also would like a family photo. (Here is a shot of me, my sister and my niece that my Mom took for us!)

Tip #4 - Look Behind You!
Last but certainly not least - BACKGROUND is important! Pay attention to your background (what is going to be behind you in your photo). Closed in parks and trees are best and limit foot traffic. Try to cut off passing car traffic by moving off busier paths and go onto the grass or into the trees where they will do the 'hiding' for you.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Photo-taking!
I hope you all have a beautiful long weekend full of rest and thankfulness. I am so thankful to get to do what I love and interact with amazing people and families like YOU!
As promised, some RE Photography inspiration for your family autumn photos!
